Wednesday 28 December 2011

Christmas Tradition

Hi ppl, this is my first blog post on this blog.. i would like to share with you the following layout.. this is a christmas layout featuring the LPY..

for the past many many years, the lpy has spend their christmas together.. doing christmas exchanges, bbq, talk cock sing song and yada yada.. 

LPY actually stands for 老朋友, which means old buddies.. indeed, we have know each other for many many yrs, more than half of our lives, and we grow and mature together.. even after graduation and going through different paths in life, we the lpy actually stand closely united.. its a grp tt remains closely bonded.. am truly glad tt these ppl have walked into my life and remain there for me.. hence i would like to dedicate this first post to them.. 

this layout features some of the photos that were taken during this yr christmas eve, where we did our annual gift exchanges and countdown :) 

some close-ups of the layout are as follow:

the edges of the pattern paper are distressed to create the torn look.. and a paper frame is used to frame my photo.. that's me receiving my first present of the night!!! (btw, we received 3 pressies each for this yr:D)

this is a christmas tree made using paper doily.. what's christmas without christmas tree.. and what's christmas layout without a doily christmas tree.. isnt it? lol

paper doily again!! paper doilies are a must have in my creations.. (u will come to realise that almost all my creations involve paper doilies in one form or the other) and indeed there is no better phrases than "friendship in full bloom" to represent LPY:) 

till the next time.. cya:) 


  1. this is a very lovely layout! (: am following your blog, i'm first! got to know your site via MWL forum.

  2. Hi Juanna! Thanks for the sweet comment:)
